Neil inspecting another successful fire test from sampled evidence of the ITS 11204 concealed door closer.
What is sampled evidence? Sampled evidence is where products are randomly picked by a 3rd party UKAS approved company before being taken away for testing. The above image shows a sampled CE marked concealed door closer. This was randomly picked by Duncan Brickhill of Exova Warringtonfire who stamped and dated all the components with his signature. Sampled evidence is then taken away to a UKAS approved testing facility, in this case at Exova's Chilton House in Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe. Sampling evidence raises the bar in fire safety and safe-guards your fire doors against companies that could potentially adapt products before the fire test. When buying Door Closers you would be advised to ask for copies of CE Certificates before using them on your Fire Doors. There are still hardware suppliers in the UK who don't publish CE certificates on their website and may not have the cover you think you have. If in doubt about any non-CE marked door closers you are currently using from other companies please don't hesitate to call us for advice or check out our down loads